Residential projects

Examples of projects which we have obtained planning permission for

  1. 260 unit scheme on an edge of settlement greenfield site in North Wales
  2. 44 unit scheme on vacant land in Denbighshire
  3. 50 dwellings on employment site in Winsford
  4. Redevelopment of redundant warehouse/industrial site near Southport
  5. Redevelopment of brownfield site in Conservation Area for 12 town houses
  6. Removal of Section 106 restrictions on local occupancy in North Wales
  7. Redevelopment of redundant hotel/public house in Conservation Area for apartments in Halton
  8. Redevelopment of a brownfield site in the open countryside for 55 dwellings near Tattenhall
  9. 600 unit scheme on greenfield land on the edge of a Flintshire town
  10. Redevelopment of Warehouse site for housing in the open countryside in Cheshire East
Are you looking to obtain planning permission for a residential housing development?